ace aces playing cards

Dreaming about ace aces playing cards

Most popular explanation, which consists of most common meanings and interpretations about ace or aces in dreams
When you are dreaming of an ace it represents how patience, smart and strong you are as a person. This dream could also represent someone old in you life, who is very important to you, but for some reason you lost the honor, which this elder person felt for you before. If you are women the dream could be a sign of someone who is jealous with your new relationships, maybe old girlfriend or someone, who likes this men.
When one sees in a dream playing cards and have ace or aces in hand, so this is an indication of a turn towards a decision. Dreaming of aces foretells that something very important is or will be announced. Dream about ace also represent that the dreamer has the best card;, which meansĀ better position in decisions.

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