Dreaming about breath

to come close to a person in your dreaming with a pure and sweet breath, commendable will be your conduct, and a profitable consummation of business deals will follow breath if fetid, indicates sickness and snares losing one’s breath, denotes signal failure where success seemed assured
If the breath was pleasant or the breathing steady and/or deep, it signifies success and satisfaction in your efforts; however, if the breath was in any way unpleasant or the breathing difficult, a visit to your doctor is advisable
To come close to a person in your dreaming with a pure and sweet breath, commendable will be your conduct, and a profitable consummation of business deals will follow breath if fetid, indicates sickness and snares losing one’s breath, denotes signal failure where success seemed assured
Dreaming you have cold breath, suggests expected danger to dream you have a warm breath, means it is your turn to have financial and emotional matters

Meaning for seeing breath in your dreams

In mythology, the breath is a divine gift it keeps you connected to life until you ‘take your last breath’ and can symbolize your spiritual connection to life a dream that focuses on breathing can suggest the need to ‘get a breath of fresh air’ or step away from the situation to see it objectively colored breath will be associated with the emotion that the color suggests, as a way of taking it in and allowing it to sustain you see colors