broken bottle

Dreaming about broken bottle

to dream of broke a bottle, predicts that you may hurt someone who has loved you for a long time

Similar dreams:

  • broken leg
  • to dream of a broken leg, suggests that you would have compromised your dignity or have a lack of confidence
  • broken teeth
  • if you dream of broken teeth, expect problems and cares
  • broken tooth
  • if you dream of a broken tooth, you will have concerns and problems it may also be a sign of illness, or disease
  • broken key
  • to dream of a broken key, suggests that you can not open a lock or you may have a separation from your parents or spouse
  • broken glass
  • dreaming or broken glass of that you break it, signifies that you were fighting with someone
  • broken limb
  • to dream of breaking any of your limbs suggests you are not managing a situation as well as you could
  • broken clock
  • dreaming of a broken clock, predicts that you may make a big blunder in the office very soon
  • broken door
  • if you smash a door in a dream, big trouble with family or important and powerful people will be forthcoming if you dream of a locked door and you can not...

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