
Dreaming about cross-bones

  • To dream of cross-bones, foretells you will be troubled by the evil influence of others, and prosperity will assume other than promising aspects.
  • To see cross-bones as a monogram on an invitation to a funeral, which was sent out by a secret order,
  • Denotes that unnecessary fears will be entertained for some person, and events will transpire seemingly harsh, but of good import to the dreamer.

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Dreaming about cross bones

to dream of cross bones, foretells you will be troubled by the evil influence of others, and prosperity will assume other than promising aspects to see cross bones as a monogram on an invitation to a funeral, which was sent out by a secret order, denotes that unnecessary fears will be entertained for some person, and events will transpire seemingly harsh, but of good import to the dreamer
To dream of cross bones, foretells you will be troubled by the evil influence of others, and prosperity will assume other than promising aspects to see cross bones as a monogram on an invitation to a funeral, which was sent out by a secret order, denotes that unnecessary fears will be entertained for some person, and events will transpire seemingly harsh, but of good import to the dreamer

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