fortune teller

Dreaming about fortune teller

Dreaming of a fortune teller means that you have the gift of prophecy anyone with a title in a dream is a guide and whatever ability they have, you have too therefore you have the ability to predict the future this is not a very common gift, even though public perception is that everyone who is psychic in any way can tell the future the fortune teller may offer you a gift in the dream to highlight that this is indeed your gift.
If you dream of a prophet and talk to him ? You will see a person whom you thought to be dead, and if you're fortune teller ? Gossip and stupid arguments are coming.
You seek good advice from someone you trust you're not dealing with an important issue that could absolutely change your life weigh all the risks and make a list for yourself.

Similar dreams:

  • fortuneteller
  • A dream with a fortuneteller suggests that you are thinking about your future, or that you will experience some change in your life.
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  • fortune-telling
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  • misfortune
  • If you dream of misfortune, you stress and worry without reason as your achievements you are certain.

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