full moon

Dreaming about full moon

Key words: Perfect disappearance of the shadow side, the opportunity for a thorough investigation of the feminine, sensual; Sexuality, emotional energy, intensity. Description: Full moon there when the moon is visible in the night sky as a perfect disc. General meaning: ready to be influenced by the moon and the investigation of the feminine; willingness to explore the shadows within you, understanding the emotional, respect for your sensual nature. Association: -Transcendent meaning: A gift from grandmother moon.
The image of the full moon promises luck in all situations. The dreamer should be careful only not to overestimate himself and modesty in regard to what he has already achieved in life.
Symbol of wholeness and the (female) magical powers.
- Provides advantages in office.

Meaning for seeing full moon in your dreams

- You will get your destination.
- to view clear and bright : flirtations will bless thee, and all affairs are run smoothly and successfully; - To see darkened : your outlook is clouded; - To see in red light: must blush in love affairs.

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