gold fish

Dreaming about gold fish

If you see a goldfish in your dream, it portends wealth, and very pleasant and successful adventures.

Similar dreams:

  • goldfish
  • a goldfish indicates that you are a hands on healer fish represent spirituality in dreams and hands on h...
  • cod fish
  • dreaming that you see, eat or capture cod, indicates that you have happy events ahead and will soon get rich.
  • goldfinch
  • dreaming of seeing a goldfinch, means you are happily in love to dream of a goldfinch box, indicates you will have a relationsh...
  • gold coins
  • hearing the ring of gold coins in your dream, means you are headed for health problems and false rumors if you dream of go...
  • gold rings
  • dreaming of gold rings on your finger, you will marry the man you love, if on another person? s a wedding will be tak...
  • big fish
  • if you dream of a big fish, much hope for better pay lies ahead.
  • cooked fish
  • if you cook fish in your dream, you have family worries ahead, dynamic events and changes at home if you eat cooke...
  • gold dust
  • seeing or feeling gold dust usually indicates regret over the loss of a treasured liaison or partnership if the dust sift...

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