Dreaming about ninepins

to dream that you play ninepins, denotes that you are foolishly wasting your energy and opportunities you should be careful in the selection of companions all phases of this dream are bad
To dream that you play ninepins, denotes that you are foolishly wasting your energy and opportunities you should be careful in the selection of companions all phases of this dream are bad
If you are dreaming pins, suggests that you will enjoy an event soon to dream of the pins falling, suggests that in your life changes will occur or change will be in the lives of those who sleep close to you to dream you play with pins, means you will very easily win a person’s heart
To dream of playing ninepins denotes wasting energy over foolish acts and letting go of opportunities it also warns you to choose your friends with extreme caution

Meaning for seeing ninepins in your dreams

To dream that you play ninepins, signifies that you are foolishly wasting your energy and letting opportunities slip away it may also forewarn to select your companions carefully