Dreaming about racism

to see or experience racism in your dream, actually indicates that you may be too judgmental and discriminatory in some situation of your waking life perhaps you have falsely pre judged someone because of the way he or she appeared to dream that you are racist, indicates your unwillingness and refusal to be pushed aside you refuse to be dismissed
Racism is still very rampant in society your dream serves as an eye opener for you if you dream that you are experiencing discrimination, this implies that you are being somewhat racist or biased when you are conscious you may not be aware of it but you are judging a book by its cover if you are being racist in your dream it represents either you feel you are being discriminatory or you feel as if people are being racist to you
To dream that you are a victim of racism or racial discrimination, suggests not to rely on call for help from relatives or friends
To dream of racism is a self reflection you have become judgmental you may be discriminating against those around you consider the people in your life that you may have prematurely judged to dream that you are racist is a representation of your strong will you stand up for what you believe in for those who believe and dream of racism, it is simply a reflection of your belief system

Meaning for seeing racism in your dreams

To see racism in your dream, indicates that you may be too judgmental and discriminatory in some situation of your waking life perhaps you have falsely pre judged someone because of the way he or she appeared to dream that you are racist, indicates your unwillingness and refusal to be pushed aside you refuse to be dismissed if you believe in racism, then the dream is a reflection of your waking ideals and beliefs