raiding a car

Dreaming about raiding a car

If you dream that you are driving, you will progress in what you do.

Similar dreams:

  • riding in a car
  • if you are riding in a car in your dream, expect to achieve rapid progress in your pursuits, but with help.
  • driving a car
  • if you dream that you are driving, you will progress in what you do.
  • raiding a horse
  • seeing that someone is raiding a horse in your dreams means advances in your job if you dream that you are a rider, you will enj...
  • riding a bus
  • dreaming of riding a bus, indicates that you will have achievements in the workplace to dream that you m...
  • riding a bike
  • seeing in your dream that you are riding a bike, it means that you are going to achieve and surpass your aims.
  • playing cards
  • if you dreaming play with playing cards, you will have financial difficulties if you watch other people play ca...
  • a la carte
  • if you dream of ordering a meal a la carte in a restaurant, you will suffer from disappointment of some kind.
  • reading a book
  • dreaming that you are reading a book, indicates that in reality you will be happy.

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