Dreaming about secret

to dream that you or someone else has a secret represents hidden power. it suggests that something needs to emerge from your unconscious.
Mysterious hidden ready to reveal yourself or to uncover the truth
To dream that you or someone has a secret, represents hidden power it suggests that something needs to emerge from your unconscious if you dream of hearing a secret about somebody, there will be intrigue among people you have trusted if you dream of repeating a secret, this a sign that you will have to defend yourself against malicious gossip
Mysterious hidden ready to reveal yourself or to uncover the truth
Intrigue among those you have trusted is forecast in a dream of hearing a secret to repeat a secret is a sign that you will have to defend yourself against malicious gossip
To dream that you know a secret, indicates to be careful, you are hiding something important, some truth that may affect you, or that you will disappoint a friend who is very close to you to dream that you share the secret and must keep it, suggests in reality you expect to need to be protected from malicious gossip and lies to refute false news

Meaning for seeing secret in your dreams

To dream of a secret symbolizes strength that you have buried deep within yourself it implies that you need to release feelings or emotions that have been concealed for too long
To dream that you or someone has a secret, represents hidden power it suggests that something needs to emerge from your unconscious