Dreaming about spaghetti

to see or eat spaghetti in your dream, indicates that you are feeling entangled in some relationship perhaps you are not sure how to end a relationship you may find yourself in an uncomfortable position
Joyous social times are forecast in a dream featuring spaghetti, and if you dripped the sauce on yourself, you can expect a real celebration soon
If you dream that you eat spaghetti, then you’re deprived of something or a variety of choices
To dream of seeing or eating spaghetti implies that you feel trapped in a situation involving someone else it’s possible that you want to move on but aren’t sure of which procedure to use this issue is making you feel awkward

Meaning for seeing spaghetti in your dreams

To see or eat spaghetti in your dream, indicates that you are feeling entangled in some messy relationship perhaps you are not sure how to end a relationship or situation you may find yourself in an uncomfortable position