Dreaming about stomach

the stomach is the location for digestion and in dreams indications your assimilation or digestion of new ideas normally it means that you are having difficulty assimilating a new concept that affects your philosophy of life although it seems horrific, a dream may even go so far as to cut your stomach open to symbolically open you up to digesting a new idea!
1 the solar plexus chakra, which rules your power center, is located in the abdomen therefore, a dream of pain in this region is probably due to the activation of this chakra and therefore is a dream of contrary even though you’re feeling pain, the associated chakra activity is increasing your level of power physical, mental and spiritual and thus is a harbinger of success and good fortune lying ahead 2 dreaming of the actual organ of digestion is very likely a pun if in the dream you’re feeling sick at your stomach, look to other symbols in the dream to see what is going on in your life that you “can’t stomach ” if you dream of eating and feel that your stomach is full to bursting, perhaps you’ve been taking on more responsibilities than you should and need to delegate a few 3 dreaming of exposing your abdomen in any way, even if it only involves wearing a bikini, is a sign of treachery ahead be careful whom you confide in
Digestion of information understanding it indicates tendency to laziness you need to keep a close check on your health to see your own stomach in your dream suggests the beginning of new changes in your life the dream may highlight your difficulties with accepting these changes it is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation relationship or person the stomach is often seen as the center of emotions to see your own stomach in your dream suggests the beginning of new changes in your life the dream may highlight your difficulties with accepting these changes it is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation relationship or person the stomach is often seen as the center of emotions
To dream about your stomach, or to dream of having a big belly, indicates that your are processing and integrating your ideas and feelings from the unconscious to the conscious level your dream may also be telling you to trust your gut feelings and intuitions if you dream about having a stomach ache, you are very frustrated with a relationship or situation change is required
  are you able to stomach an issue going on in your walking life right now?  are you eating too much and need to stop being greedy?
To dream of your own stomach implies that you will be facing transformations and alterations perhaps you are reluctant for these transformations to occur it may also reflect your feelings of distaste towards someone or something the stomach is normally associated with our feelings

Meaning for seeing stomach in your dreams

A dream where focus is put on the stomach suggests that you have bottled up feelings or emotions it may also suggest that you are learning about new ideas or beliefs
To see your own stomach in your dream, suggests the beginning of new changes in your life it may refer to your difficulties with accepting these changes it is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation, relationship, or person the stomach may also be seen as the centre of emotions
Since emotion is associated with ‘gut feelings,’ dreams of the stomach can represent feelings that you are not acknowledging the condition of the abdomen and whether or not it is yours, suggests how you are owning or acting on your gut feelings as a symbol of digestion, it can represent unprocessed issues see anatomy and body parts