Dreaming about sweets

as sugar is both pleasurable and a cause of tooth decay,we need to understand its dual nature sweets suggest rewards,while “to be sweet on somenone” is to have romantic feelings towards them is your life lacking in sweetness?if so,inject some pleasure into it and treat yourself putting sugar on something bitter can also make it easier to swallow as sugar is both pleasurable and a cause of tooth decay,we need to understand its dual nature sweets suggest rewards,while “to be sweet on somenone” is to have romantic feelings towards them is your life lacking in sweetness?if so,inject some pleasure into it and treat yourself putting sugar on something bitter can also make it easier to swallow
To dream of sweets symbolizes excess pleasure, eroticism, and prohibited fantasies you may be denying yourself something that you really desire it may also represent gifts and treats that you have received this dream could also be referring to a significant other
To see or eat sweets in you dream, represents indulgence, sensuality, and some forbidden pleasure perhaps you have been depriving yourself of some joy or pleasure alternatively, it may symbolize your rewards this dream symbol may also be a metaphor for your sweetie or the special someone in your life
We generally dream of dessert items when acceptance is an issue the dream is showing our desire to find gratification in being accepted for who we are unlike other food items that can show our desire for greater fulfillment – the sweets are delicious but not a substantial meal if you often dream of sweets or desserts, you may need to make greater strides toward self love this will lead to the fulfillment you attempt to get through the acceptance of others see also food