Dreaming about sword

Symbol of strength and power, with allusions to the higher self due to associations with medieval periods of castles and knights in armor fighting confidently with a sword suggests optimism in surmounting obstacles on the path to a goal a sword that wilts or is broken indicates doubts about one’s ability to achieve a goal swords, like a knives in a dream, may hold phallic allusions, and may be symbols of sexual assault related dream symbols attacked castle.
Power authority antagonistic need to confront certain situations to dream that you wear a sword, indicates that you will fill some public position with honor to have your sword taken from you, denotes your vanquishment in rivalry to see others bearing swords, foretells that altercations will be attended with danger a broken sword, foretells despair.
Power authority antagonistic need to confront certain situations.
Ouch of all weapons in your dream arsenal, the sword’s steely blade most portends potential phallic frustration or dysfunction in other cases, a sword represents a swift solution to some kind of mess if the sword is rusted, this fast action will present complications of its own.
A sword is a symbol of strength and power it also can cut to the bone dreaming of a sword might suggest that aggressive action is required.
A sword is a symbol of strength and power it also can cut to the bone dreaming of a sword might suggest that aggressive action is required.

Meaning for seeing sword in your dreams

See knife.
Weapons represent what you hold in your hand to express, feed, defend or build something a sword is a symbol that asks you to cut through illusion to get at the truth you may need to separate fact from fantasy the sword can also symbolize defense mechanisms that are keeping you from knowing greater intimacy see also weapons and utensils.