white shark

Dreaming about white shark

If you dream of white sharks, suggests to take your problems.

Similar dreams:

  • white hair
  • Dreaming you have white hair, means you will have great wealth and happiness.
  • white snake
  • Dreaming of a white snake means that a close friend of yours is actually a hidden enemy.
  • white bear
  • Dreaming of a white bear, means you love to be in the water.
  • white shoes
  • If you dream of white shoes, means you have good news.
  • white cat
  • Dreaming of a white cat, suggests you are lying.
  • white rat
  • If you are dreaming of a white rat, expect problems, but thanks to your skills you'll resolve them quickly.
  • white skirt
  • Seeing in your sleep a long white skirt to the ground, then you are going to be old fashioned, shy, with have prejudices if you dream of a very short skirt, then you're too confiden...
  • white sheets
  • If you dream of white sheets, it means you will have little success if you dream that you are covered with a white sheet, suggests you face your worries and troubles.

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