white wine

Dreaming about white wine

If the wine is white, you would easily defeat enemies or competitors.

Similar dreams:

  • white mice
  • Dreaming of white mice, means you will be afraid without any reason.
  • white snake
  • Dreaming of a white snake means that a close friend of yours is actually a hidden enemy.
  • white paint
  • Paint in a dream, means lack of sincerity.
  • white bear
  • Dreaming of a white bear, means you love to be in the water.
  • white hair
  • Dreaming you have white hair, means you will have great wealth and happiness.
  • white owl
  • If you see a whit owl in a dream, you're headed for workplace issues seeing a dead owl, or killing one, means that you will be saved from death and pro...
  • white flower
  • If you smell flowers in a dream, you will feel sadness for a loved one broken or wilted flowers in your sleep, mean you're are headed for a lot of diffi...
  • white eyes
  • If you dream that you have white eyes, then something threatens, you will be cheated by people whom you trust.

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