Dreaming about bread

break any form of breakage in a dream is symbolic of some form of loss. obviously to discern what that loss is one need pay attention to other content within the dream.
Success, wealth and honor sustenance share resources uniting success, wealth and honor sustenance share resources uniting for a woman to dream of eating bread, denotes that she will be afflicted with children of stubborn will, for whom she will spend many days of useless labor and worry to dream of breaking bread with others, indicates an assured competence through life to see a lot of impure bread, want and misery will burden the dreamer if the bread is good and you have access to it, it is a favorable dream see baking and crust
Dreaming of bread is a very good omen it signifies the positive qualities and great things you have learned on your journey in life also see “toast”
Success, wealth and honor sustenance share resources uniting
If the bread in your dream was dark, stale and/or hard, you can expect a sudden outcrop of annoying family worries; however, if it was fresh, white and tasty, your future is secure, which is also the case if you dreamed of baking the bread yourself
For a woman to dream of eating bread, denotes that she will be afflicted with children of stubborn will, for whom she will spend many days of useless labor and worry to dream of breaking bread with others, indicates an assured competence through life to see a lot of impure bread, want and misery will burden the dreamer if the bread is good and you have access to it, it is a favorable dream [24] see baking and crust
To dream that you eat bread, predicts that you will succeed in the workplace and you will have joy in the family to dream that you throw bread, means you will miss your chance
To dream about bread indicates the most primal requirements of life this dream could represent the better aspects of knowledge you have gained along your path in life

Meaning for seeing bread in your dreams

As a food, bread is a fundamental part of most diets in poverty bread is the filler, and in jail the prisoner receives bread and water to keep from starvation in christianity, christ is the “bread of life,” and in popular jargon bread is used to refer to money crossculturaly in both physical and metaphysical references, bread is the basic sustenance of life as a dream symbol it is rich in both meaning and message the bread in your dreams could represent those positive and wonderful things that you have learned in your lifeĀ“s journey it could be symbolic of “good” and most basic things in your life which will yield positive benefits in the future the bread in your dream could be spiritually symbolic; it could represent a profound communion or connection with others and with god consider the details of your dream before interpreting, but know that bread has positive universal symbolism and that this dream should bring with it a level of positive feelings and peace
A dream about sharing bread can suggest that you share knowledge with those around you if the bread is unusual then it implies that you are not sure what you want out of life or the direction you are heading in
To see bread in your dream, represents the basic needs of life bread may signify the positive qualities and great things you have learned on your journey of life
Bread can be symbolic of the body or the need to pay more attention to physical needs a person is sometimes called a ‘bread winner’ and so bread can also be symbolic of financial needs and the ability to provide for yourself moldy bread could mean that an old role is outworn or that success can be tied to doing something new and more fulfilling bread soaked in water can symbolize tapping inspiration and feelings in your work see food