Dreaming about calves

to dream of calves peacefully grazing on a velvety lawn, foretells to the young, happy, festive gatherings and enjoyment those engaged in seeking wealth will see it rapidly increasing see cattle
To dream of calves peacefully grazing on a velvety lawn, foretells to the young, happy, festive gatherings and enjoyment those engaged in seeking wealth will see it rapidly increasing [30] see cattle
To see your calves in your dream indicates that you possess great agility and the talent to multitask you can handle multiple issues at one time you are also adept at switching from issue to issue to dream that you are admiring your own calves represents your involvement with a partner who becomes too reliant on you he or she may use you for your offering of security, comfort or money
If you dream of the calves of legs and they are pleasing to the eye this denotes that you will soon meet someone who is very attractive but may be too self centered for love to dream of baby calves show that you will see your fortunes improving, your life will be filled with joy if the calves are happy and playing

Meaning for seeing calves in your dreams

To see your calves in your dream, symbolizes movement and your ability to jump from situation to situation to dream that you are admiring your own calves, foretells that you will soon enter into a love relationship with someone who may be too needy and dependent on you