Dreaming about disease

disease in a dream symbolizes an unhealthy relationship or situation in waking life, one that is crippling or even fatal dreams of being ill often represent periods of emotional depression, and flagging physical and spiritual health
To dream that you are diseased, denotes a slight attack of illness, or of unpleasant dealings with a relative for a young woman to dream that she is incurably diseased, denotes that she will be likely to lead a life of single blessedness
Dreaming of having a disease does not necessarily mean that you actually have the disease diseases in your dream, cancer, aids, heart disease or the flu, indicate anxiety about a situation or fear that you have about actually getting the disease   it could also be a predictive dream where your unconscious is warning about the illness since you may not be conscious about the symptoms 1) if you dream about a sexually transmitted disease you may be feeling uneasy about your sexual activity 2) when you dream of having a heart problem whether you have a heart attack or stroke as well it symbolizes your heartbreaks 3) dreaming of having cancer symbolizes an actual person or thing that is causing you to be uneasy 4) if you are having dreams of plagues or flu of some sort it could mean you anxious about the state of the world or maybe a change in your life 5) dreaming of someone else having a disease could mean you are worried about that person or there is an actual problem with your health
To dream of disease in general signifies happy times ahead if the dream involved the illness of someone known to you, it predicts good luck for that person there is, however, an exception to the rule in this case, which is that if your dream specifically concerned a venereal disease, it could be a warning that someone is trying to impugn your character beware of overconfidence
To dream that you are diseased, denotes a slight attack of illness, or of unpleasant dealings with a relative for a young woman to dream that she is incurably diseased, denotes that she will be likely to lead a life of single blessedness
Raging disease in your sleep, means your family will enjoy good health and a peaceful life

Meaning for seeing disease in your dreams

To dream that you have a disease suggests that you may come down with an illness your dreams, on occasion, can spot a virus or other infiltrator prior to you showing symptoms to dream that your disease is incurable indicates that you will soon be out of a relationship and be pleased by this
The word disease literally means out of ease before you begin to interpret this dream on a psychological or metaphysical level, first check your health the dream could refer to physical or emotional health
To dream that you are inflicted with a disease, foretells that you will catch a slight cold or cough sometimes you dreams are able to spot an illness before you are aware of the symptoms to dream that you have an incurable disease, foretells that you will be single and loving it