
Dreaming about feed

Dreaming that you feed someone, signifies that you are thanked for the kindness you have done dreaming that you feed animals, predicts that you will have gains and benefits from your work to dream that you throw food, suggests that you may lose your wealth and understanding in the family.

Similar dreams:

  • feeder
  • If you dream of a feeder, suggests that the run of unpleasant truths and reality.
  • feeding
  • Dreaming of feeding children or animals is an omen of prosperity, but if your dream featured others doing the feeding, it is a reminder of the old adage trust every...
  • feed feeding
  • breast feeding
  • ...k in your dream, you will be trying to fix a problem in vain if you have or drink milk in your dream, you will suffer in misery if you are breastfeeding a baby in your dream, you may have cares and diseases.

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