Dreaming about junk

if you dream of junk it represents the necessity of tossing out the bad and old things in your lifestyle
A dream of anything that struck you as junk, whether in a shop or elsewhere, predicts that you will soon be faced with a perplexing choice don’t try to make it alone; get a second opinion
If you dream of throwing, or burying junk, suggests you need to remember long past passions, secrets and experiences
To dream of seeing junk represents your desire to eliminate and thrust aside traditions and old ways of thinking
If you dream of junk or clutter, ask yourself if you’re clinging to the past& 8212;to things or ideas that are no longer useful if something you value appears as junk in a dream, it may indicate that you need to reassess your values
If you dream of junk or clutter, ask yourself if you´re clinging to the past, to things or ideas that are no longer useful if something you value appears as junk in a dream, it may indicate that you need to reassess your values

Meaning for seeing junk in your dreams

A dream where there is some form of junk implies that there are things in your life that you are better off without or that you need to clear old things out of your life it also implies that you need to take action to better yourself in some way
To see junk in your dream, symbolizes your need to get rid of and discard old ways of thinking and old habits