Dreaming about sewing

creation repair a relationship that you want to restore to dream of sewing on new garments, foretells that domestic peace will crown your wishes
Creation repair a relationship that you want to restore
This interpretation is pretty easy to figure out   if you are sewing you might want to make amends or fix something in your life   this can be with family or friends   you have the right tools to do it and it all depends on the sewer to make things happen
In some respects an obstacle dream, but the interpretation varies according to the action to see someone else sewing is a sign that you would be wise to be more diligent in providing for your future if you dreamed of doing the sewing, an exciting new opportunity for advancement will soon come your way hand sewing suggests hard work ahead; machine sewing indicates a need to be more cautious about giving confidences to finish the sewing forecasts success in your current undertakings, but to leave it unfinished is a sign of troubles to overcome
To dream of sewing on new garments, foretells that domestic peace will crown your wishes
To dream of sewing, means you are a long way off it be hard but you will make some profits

Meaning for seeing sewing in your dreams

To dream that you are sewing indicates your desire to restore a friendship or revamp a condition you may want to revolutionize your perceptions or personality it also denotes fruitfulness, personal development, and progression into adulthood
To dream that you are sewing, suggests that you are trying to make amends with others there may be a situation or relationship that needs to be repaired perhaps you are creating a new self image and taking on a new attitude alternatively, it represents fertility, growth, and emotional maturity
Since dreams allow for the free exploration of feelings, it is common to dream of sharing affection, sex or intimacy with people other than your mate as you ‘role play’ by experiencing the different aspects of yourself, it can be portrayed by various characters, where you sometimes behave in a masculine way (mounting/dominating) another masculine character (your aggressive and assertive nature ) you are merely exploring your desire to be more aggressive