Dreaming about traffic

watching traffic in a dream suggests that you are trying to solve a problem alone when you should be requesting help or cooperation from others. if you dream of driving through traffic successfully, this forecasts an easing of family difficulties.
Traffic in dreams symbolizes career being caught in traffic means your career is hindering the achievement of your life purpose it is also indicative of being on the karmic path
Connections dealings movement chaotic power need to go someplace traffic represents frustration, obstacles and the fact that things could be going more smoothly in your life moving away from traffic means finding a way out of these troubles study the tactics used in your dream and use a similar method in real life traffic represents frustration, obstacles and the fact that things could be going more smoothly in your life moving away from traffic means finding a way out of these troubles study the tactics used in your dream and use a similar method in real life
Connections dealings movement chaotic power need to go someplace
Watching traffic in a dream suggests that you are trying to solve a problem alone for which you should request help or cooperation to drive through traffic successfully forecasts an easement of family difficulties, but a traffic jam predicts obstacles that will require long and patient effort to overcome
To dream that you are in traffic symbolizes sore spots in life when you felt frustrated and hopeless you feel that your life is in a rut

Meaning for seeing traffic in your dreams

A dream setting where there is traffic suggests that you are feeling stress, pressure, confusion or feeling overwhelmed in some part of your life this is particularly the case if there is a lot of traffic in the dream it could also imply that you are not progressing as fast as you would like or feel helpless or need to be more patient
To dream that you are in traffic, signifies frustrations in life and that things are not going as smoothly as you would like it to you feel stuck at where you are in life