abused by spouse

Dreaming about abused by spouse

if you are being abused in a dream by your spouse, warning! it is a symbol for emotional hurt it often reflects feelings of abuse in the marriage, which can take a different form in the dream than experienced in waking life for instance, if you are physically abused in a dream by your spouse, and your spouse has never laid a hand on you, ask yourself whether you felt verbally or emotionally abused by your spouse prior to your dream? it can feel just as violent accordingly, your brain communicates that association in the dream

Similar dreams:

  • abused verbally
  • to be abused is a symbol for emotional hurt while it can reflect a literal past occurrence of abuse, more frequently it reflects feelings of abuse in waking ...
  • abused
  • if you or someone else is being abused in a dream, it can reflect a literal past occurrence of abuse, but more frequently it is a symbol for emotional

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