being pinched

Dreaming about being pinched

being pinched in your dreams is a sign of impending victory

Similar dreams:

  • being chased
  • if you dream that you are being chased, means you might be running from your very own self, so you may need to conquer your fears
  • being kissed
  • if you kiss a stranger if, you will get unexpected help if you are kissing a woman, you will feel elated for a bold undertaking if kissing man, you will hear advantageous things being kissed by a close relative or having a sign of secret support kiss from a loved one predicts separation, a kiss from a widow or widower portends ...
  • chase being chased
  • 1 being at a disadvantage in a given situation 2 actually being pursued, probably in the sense of being "chased" by a potential lover, employer, or customer...
  • being pregnant
  • dreaming of being pregnant indicates that you shall have some failures, as well as difficulties
  • exams being examined
  • excrement ? also see dream dictionary: body and dream dictionary: defecate to dream of excrement is indicative that we have reverted back to infantile thin...
  • being late
  • you dream that you are late, you will have to do the work of your colleagues if you dream that someone else is late, expect losses for others? busines...
  • being shot at
  • if you dream that you are being shot at, then you will be toyed with
  • attack or being chased
  • ...iors that are required of us the fast pace at which we may be forced to adopt new identities in the work place, brings a past way of being in opposition with a new way of being being chased reflects the non integrated aspects of your evolving identity currently in conflict this dream also happens

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