black boots

Dreaming about black boots

if you see in your dream that you have black boots, you will have an undeserved insult

Similar dreams:

  • black blouse
  • dreaming of a black blouse, suggests you yet need to wait for the death of a close person
  • black clothes
  • if you dream of black clothes you will have obstacles in life
  • black horse
  • dreaming of a black horse, predicts you may have trouble ahead
  • black shoes
  • dreaming of black shoes is a sign of your own determination to achieve success
  • blackboards
  • dreaming that you use or see someone using a blackboard, means that in reality you will have a reason to be loyal or you will be suspicious of opportunities between colleagues, relatives or partners
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  • black cat
  • to dream of a black cat, means you will not help your big dream to come true
  • black dog
  • dreaming that you see a black dog, indicates that you will have bitter rivals

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