emergency room

Dreaming about emergency room

if you dreamed of an emergency room, you are worried that you didn't do a thorough job on a recent project you may also wish to look up "ambulance"
You may have a series of dreams where a portion includes a visit to the emergency room, doctor's office or other crisis setting generally the prior dreams will be describing a situation you are working through and going to the emergency room is a message about seeking help our memories associate this symbol with the idea of a last resort or a life and death situation this type of dream should be considered as the idea that you are not getting the message, or are not achieving the breakthrough surgery can suggest the 'cutting away' of unhealthy beliefs and often there is some type of pain involved in healing your defenses may be ingrained to the point that a necessary change is not being heeded see also 911

Similar dreams:

  • emergency
  • an emergency in a dream is reflecting of your sense of an emergency in waking life identify who or what is the cause and focus of the emergency avoid the...

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