falling teeth

Dreaming about falling teeth

Dreaming that you have falling teeth, suggests that you shall learn of someone's death to dream of one? S falling teeth being molars or wisdoms, suggests a distant friend may die dreaming dream that you have falling teeth at the front, suggests a close relative may die to dream that it hurts when you have falling teeth fall, it is quite likely that a relative of yours may be laid to rest.

Similar dreams:

  • falling star
  • Dreaming that you see a falling star, indicates that you may be losing a close one.
  • falling stars
  • If you see in your dream falling stars, the loss of a loved one may be coming.
  • falling
  • Dreaming of falling is not propitious, for sickness, failure, and disappointments in love are foretold. If one dreams of falling and actually crashes to earth, the omino...
  • hair falling out
  • A dream of hair falling out, means you will be exposed.
  • falling in love
  • If you dream that you are in falling in love, they will abandon or neglect you if dream that another is in love, expect intrigue.
  • falling into a well
  • Dreaming that you fall into a well, indicates that you should be cautious or tense, as survival is quite possible, as is damage to your dignity.
  • falling into a shaft
  • Dreaming that you fell into a pit, signifies that you will get the better of a person which you compete with, or an enemy.
  • falling from high
  • Dreaming of falling from high above the ground, suggests that you should not be waiting for anything better as you will fail.

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