gold chain

Dreaming about gold chain

Seeing a gold chain in your dream tells to expect illness and concerns to dream that you buy or wear a gold chain, means you will be lonely to dream that the other bears a gold chain, suggests you will be pleased with your achievements and acquisitions.

Similar dreams:

  • gold coins
  • Hearing the ring of gold coins in your dream, means you are headed for health problems and false rumors if you dream of gold coins, you will have varying luck.
  • gold ring
  • If you dream of a gold ring, suggests you will live a poor but happy life.
  • gold watch
  • If you dream of a gold watch, you're headed for material problems serious losses are possible, so be careful.
  • gold earrings
  • You see in your dream gold earrings, then you are meeting with someone you love find one gold earring and you will be happy in love.
  • gold rings
  • Dreaming of gold rings on your finger, you will marry the man you love, if on another person? S a wedding will be taking place in your family, if you lose them the re...
  • gold fish
  • If you see a goldfish in your dream, it portends wealth, and very pleasant and successful adventures.
  • goldfinch
  • Dreaming of seeing a goldfinch, means you are happily in love to dream of a goldfinch box, indicates you will have a relationship filled with emotions to dream of hearing a...
  • gold brick
  • If you foolishly buy a gold brick in your dream and are chagrined, it denotes a secret shame that you are trying to hide from the world.

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