tarot cards

Dreaming about tarot cards

to dream of tarot cards is a reflection of your current mindset you are open to exploring your unconscious thoughts and feelings if you had a tarot reading in your dream, pay attention to what you were told by the fortune teller it could be your sleeping mind's way of sending you an important message from your unconscious
A dream with tarot cards suggests that you are being more open minded, broadening your understanding or widening your knowledge  in some part of your waking life  
To dream of a tarot reading, indicates your current situation and state of mind you are open to exploring your unconscious thoughts and feelings pay attention to what the tarot cards revealed consider the following general meanings of the four tarot suits: the wands represent fire, inspiration, spirituality, action, initiative, and the psyche the suit of the swords signifies air, determination, strength, faith, and conquering of fear the cups symbolize water, emotions, purity, and your outlook toward life and the future finally, the pentacles denote finances, social influence, worldly knowledge, and your connection with nature and earth

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  • to see tarot cards in your sleep means that decisions will be agreed upon, you may lose control over things

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