black man

Dreaming about black man

a dream that you attacked a negro, means you will deny your feelings, you will suffer from unrequited love if you dreamed of a negro pregnant woman, the pregnancy will be easy and with a smooth delivery if you dream you are a negro, you will meet many difficulties and obstacles in your work, but will eventually need to succeed a negro in your dream portends that you are surrounded by unfriendly minded people if you see a sick person as a negro in your dreams, they will recover

Similar dreams:

  • black rain
  • dreaming of black rain, may predict grief, distress and loss
  • black cat
  • to dream of a black cat, means you will not help your big dream to come true
  • black magic
  • to dream that you do black magic, suggests that you are headed for uncertain times to dream of any black magic, signifies that you have unexpected changes in the family
  • black hair
  • dreaming of black hair, is a sign of frugality, savings and good health
  • blackmail
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  • black lion
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  • black bread
  • to dream of black bread, signifies that you are profitable
  • black anaconda
  • you see a black anaconda in your sleep, expect good and bad events

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