can t eat

Dreaming about can t eat

being unable to eat in a dream reflects feelings of either frustration or disgust resulting from the offer of or opportunity for emotional nourishment in waking life

Similar dreams:

  • can t hear
  • to dream that you can't hear or understand what someone is saying, means you need to pay closer attention to what people tell you this dream also suggests that you are fee...
  • can t read
  • if someone can't read in a dream, it is a common metaphor for "difficulty reading a situation" or "seeing clearly" in real life related dream symbols can't see
  • can t breathe
  • dreams of being unable to breathe, such as running out of air while swimming underwater, having something stuck in your mouth or throat that interferes with your breathing, a...
  • can t reach
  • common metaphors for inability to reach someone include phones that do not work and obstacles that stand between you and that someone or thing you want to reach th...
  • can t speak
  • if you can?t communicate in your dreams (you can?t talk or shout), it reflects your feeling that you are not being heard in your waking life you may feel ignor...
  • can t hit
  • if you are unable to hit someone or effectively land a punch in a dream, it indicates that you feel helpless or powerless against that person try to identify who it is o...
  • cantate
  • - to heard singing a cantate: you are arrogant.Hindu .- None dream explanation in Islam.
  • can t get to
  • if you can't get to someone, something, or some place in a dream, it reflects feelings of frustration related to communication problems or achievement concerns ...

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