clothes or clothing

Dreaming about clothes or clothing

dreaming of your clothing may represent how you think others perceive you clothes in dreams are an indication of your current state of mind in social situations dreaming of your clothing may represent how you think others perceive you clothes in dreams are an indication of your current state of mind in social situations

Similar dreams:

  • clothes line
  • to dream that you are hanging up clothes on a clothesline, suggests that you are clarifying your thoughts and elevating yourself to a new state of awareness
  • clothes hanger
  • to see a hanger in your dream, suggests that you are getting the hang of some situation or some task if the hanger(s) were empty, your dream may mean that you are just hanging in there you need more motivation and encouragement
  • clothesline
  • to dream that you are hanging clothing on a clothesline indicates that you are willing to expose your inner feelings and emotions to others; particularly if these items are undergarments the dream...
  • clothes peg
  • to dream of using clothes pegs suggests that you are trying to get your thoughts together, probably about a relationship you may be feeling anxious about a particular r...
  • clothes
  • to dream that your clothes are dirty and you are trying to clean them means you want to change something about your personality. to dream that you are constantly changing your...
  • black clothes
  • if you dream of black clothes you will have obstacles in life
  • new clothes
  • new clothes mean someone you know will make you happy if a rich man dreams of new clothes, you are well, and if poor men dreams of new clothes, you are in trouble and shame
  • old clothes
  • dreaming that your clothes are old, mauled, tattered or creased, suggests that you may expect poverty and penury, but may also endure humiliation and abuse by acquaintances and strangers

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