cream cheese

Dreaming about cream cheese

cream cheese is a positive dream symbol it represents abundance and luxury

Similar dreams:

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  • cream skin
  • ... you want to maintain and be pampered and do not represent the harsh reality;. A common woman^s dream especially in stressful times.- see cream in a dream: friendships that are very useful for you and pleasant; - eat or prepare: theft; - skin cream: a woman who dreams of cream will be nice, well-kept
  • cream
  • to dream of seeing cream served, denotes that you will be associated with wealth if you are engaged in business other than farming to the farmer, it indicates fine crops ...
  • cream food
  • You want to savor some on the tongue, and this is what you want: the appetite for Sweet Love; and other sensual pleasures but please, without much trou...
  • scream
  • if you scream in your dream, it means that you are finally expressing an emotion that you have been withholding. A response provoked by many dreams to get someone to...
  • icecream
  • someone eating icecream in your dreams means that you have pleasant events and happiness ahead dreaming of eating or seeing icecream means that you could experience proble...
  • ice cream truck
  • dreaming of buying a treat from an ice cream truck, is an omen of happiness and success if you dream of missing the ice cream truck, or chasing it without catching it, you are feeling sad o...
  • sour cream
  • a dream about sour cream foretells setbacks or difficulties created by your own foolish actions

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