eating utensils

Dreaming about eating utensils

kitchen utensils are associated with changes you are making you use them to take what you need in order to find nourishment and self worth like food, the symbolism is exploring fulfillment the difference between a fork and a spoon is their shape a spoon suggests what you need to hold onto in order to feel satisfied, while the fork is more symbolic of taking a stab at something, or making a change in direction that will help you provide for yourself the fork can also symbolize choices or a crossroad, as in a 'fork in the road ' the knife can symbolize ideas that are painful or the cutting away of something you may have to face the truth or eliminate outworn behavior since it is used as a weapon, it can symbolize allowing feelings to rise to the surface a spatula is associated with turning something over or seeing another side of the situation see food and cooking

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