giving food

Dreaming about giving food

If you are giving food in your sleep to an animal or person, then you are going to be good.

Similar dreams:

  • giving moneu
  • If you give moneu in a dream, you will pay an old debt.
  • giving
  • Dreaming of giving things, indicates to be aware of false friends if you dream you give something, suggests soon you will not complain about the lack of money.
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  • Dreaming that someone was giving birth to you and you were born, means you probably expect pregnancy to dream that you attend anyone who is giving birth, indicates that you wil...
  • gift give giving
  • ...f which we may not yet be aware. We need to acknowledge the gifts and talents we have and use them appropriately. In a spiritual sense giving in is submitting to a higher authority.Each of us has a store of unconscious knowledge, which from time to time becomes available to us and may appear in dreams

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