robber robbery see stealing

Dreaming about robber robbery see stealing

1 if the dreamer is concerned about safety, security, and financial affairs, this dream could reflect those fears whether the fear that someone in some way is going to rip you off is real or not depends on the circumstances and other symbols in the dream 2 if the dreamer is looking for love, this could represent a warning: the dreamer could meet and fall for someone fascinating, but who has an agenda of his or her own and could end up breaking the dreamer's heart

Similar dreams:

  • robber robbery
  • see thief or bank robber
  • bank robbery
  • to dream that you are robbing a bank, signifies that you are wasting too much energy on something you are in danger of depleting your inner resources if you witness a bank robbery in your dream, it is a warning that you should not gossip or tell your secrets to strangers, or the consequences will be unhappy
  • bank banker bankrupt bank robber
  • a dream featuring a bank implies that something you have needs to be kept safe, or alternatively that you have a wealth of ideas
  • robbery
  • ...t jealous of a situation where you felt someone else got what should have been yoursTo dream of losing your valuables in a robbery signifies unexpected gain but if the robbery involved a loss of money, it is a warning to be careful how you handle your cashDreaming that you are being watched by the perpetrators,
  • stealing see robbery
  • ...trying to encroach on your territory in some way, and perhaps to take full credit for something you've accomplished see "robber"
  • robber
  • ...g your head over an unworthy albeit fascinating person; try to look behind the dazzling facadeTo dream that you were a robber, signifies that you will have a reward or praise for something to dream that another is a robber, suggests to beware of disappointments and minor losses to dream that you

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